The NEW  Way To "Do" Leadership For Results And Recognition

Without doing tons of networking, ignoring quality of life, or micromanaging your team

Live 1:1 Coaching, a Personalized Core Analysis, and the Support You Need To Move Forward To More Fulfillment In Your Research Career... While Doing More of "Just Being You"

The NEW WAY to do leadership is through authenticity, clarity, and vision - but nobody else teaches this, or supports you in the way we do in SciFoundry Leadership Program
Get help with your proposals, manuscripts, and presentations. Not just "generic" help, but tailored to who you are and what you want to accomplish
Enroll before the timer runs to zero, and get your substantial savings on tuition (10% off)
Start now to get going with your personalized intake call and other bonuses that are only offered via this page

(Deadline Timer)

Schedule a Clarity Call to Get Clear on YOUR Next Steps and See if SLP Is Right For You

* We are working to keep the quality of the SLP community high and want to make sure it's going to work for you before you join!

On this call, Lindsay will talk to you about your goals for your career and (whether this mentoring program is the one for you or not) you'll leave the call with more clarity of next steps you can take. If SLP is a good fit you'll have the opportunity to join at these special rates.

This call is free of charge as a service to you! And don't worry, it's not a sales call. It will be to help you decide your next steps. 

What We Help With

Gaining clarity, vision, and authenticity to be a better research leader (even if you're just starting out)
Creating more enjoyment and balance in your career
Connecting you to a community of research leaders who are growth oriented
Overcoming all the "noise" and reactivity, to be more focused on creating what you want
Don't like all the uncertainty in the world right now? The only lasting remedy is taking better charge of the things you actually have control of, like your career progress, work-life balance, and your funding. We help you create more certainty for yourself, by operating more from your authentic, core self, with leadership and vision.
We are there for you, through the ups and downs... we are your "shoulder to lean on," while helping you focus on proactive solutions to the challenges holding you back

How We Help

Keeping you connected with the community of peers on Community Calls
Addressing your self-limiting challenges (like impostor syndrome, lacking confidence, etc) on the Mindset Calls
Going deep into "you create your experience" with Consciousness Calls
Getting feedback for papers and grant proposals on the grant feedback calls (starting September 2022)
Direct mentoring from Morgan on grants, writing, mindset, and leadership on the Mentoring calls (starting September 2022)
Elevating your leadership and systemization skills on the Leadership & Systematization calls
Supporting your through challenges 24/7 on the SciFoundry Leadership Forums
With multiple ways to connect to our team, we're ready to support you through challenges and help you find solutions. 
We'll set you up with a cohort of peers who are at a similar stage in the SciFoundry Leadership journey


You're an active researcher at an institution
You are growth oriented, i.e. you are willing to learn and grow, no matter how high on the academic ladder you are
You have a PhD, MD, or equivalent
You are ready to commit at least some time to attend calls and receive feedback (attendance is not required at any calls, but overall we like to see our enrollees participating and growing)
You agree to keep discussions within the group confidential, for the sake of you and your colleagues
You are willing to display openness about your challenges, so we can support you in moving past them (this is not a group for people who think they have no challenges, or are afraid to share the challenges)

The Tuition

The regular tuition is $490/month, which amounts to $5,880 per year. For this level of support and feedback, we have previously charged as much as $22,000/year. Due to the economies of scale, we can now offer it for a substantially reduced tuition, especially if you decide to join us annually.

In addition, you have access to three discounts, amounting to $1,500 off per year:

$588 off for making an annual commitment
$588 off for timeliness and momentum

Total Savings = $1176 off
$4704 per year, or $392 per month on a payment plan
(If you don't want an annual commitment, you can still get $49 off per month for a month-by-month plan, for $441/mo)

Our goal with this tuition is to keep the group on the smaller side, and including those most committed to growth and leadership, while at the same time reducing from the previous $12,000 per year for the program, to make it more sustainable to stay in the community and get support for the longer-term (for those who wish to). 

If you are committed to growth, leadership, and fulfillment in your career, this program is here for you.

Watch the video to learn more about how you can benefit from stronger, clearer leadership - and how SciFoundry Leadership Program can help you with that

Interested in taking advantage of the $588/year ($49/mo) timeliness discount to keep your momentum going? 

Schedule your call before the timer runs out:

(Deadline timer)

(we know, we don't like deadlines either... but they work, and we want to help you keep the momentum you have!)

Bonus 1

A personal intake call to develop a plan of action

If you have a plan and focus, you will get better results. We'll have a personal, 1:1 orientation call with you to get coordinated, and start the development of your plan to get the most out of our work together.

Get clear on what to focus on, which calls to attend, and what course content to start with
We help you start developing your vision now, so you can iterate on it as we work together
Save time, and be more focused in your work here

Get the strongest start to your work in SciFoundry Leadership Program with your personal intake call

Bonus 2

Your personalized Core Analysis

One of our major goals is to help you to align to your authentic self – the core you – so you can have more clarity, be more productive, and move towards your research goals and vision with more ease.

One of the main stumbling blocks for many is that we often lose track of "who we really are," because we've all had so much training to be who others want us to be. 

The Core Analysis is a protocol we use to identify more about who you are at your core. We require only some basic information from you to get started - there are no long surveys like the traditional personality tests. In addition, other personality tests often look more at who you've learned to be, rather than who you are hard-wired to be at the Core.

We'll do the analysis for you, and discuss the results with you on your Intake call.

Figure out where your optimal operating zone is when it comes to whether you are variable or consistent, how much innovation you need to be doing to be happy, and more
Don't operate in the dark, start working towards better alignment and authenticity now
One of the major roadblocks we see in clients who are struggling to get as much momentum as they want, is misalignment between ways of operating and who you are at the core. The analysis will provide a roadmap.
Normally a $120 value, you get this for free to start your SLP journey most powerfully

Normally a $120 value, you get this for free to start your SLP journey on the right footing, that will help you for many years to come

Bonus 3

Think Creative! Be Productive! Course

Do you ever wonder how you can be more productive without working harder? In this class, Morgan  shows how to be more productive by tapping into your creative potential. 

Learn how to develop a clear vision of where you're going, without getting sidetracked
Tap into your intuition to make better decisions
Use the Creative Pipeline tool to create what you want from life and career
Avoid the all-too-common mistake of a "pipeline inversion," where you let analytical thinking drive your movement towards your goals
Learn what beliefs are holding you back from greater clarity, progress, and recognition - and what to do once you've identified them

This course was $490 tuition, and you get it for free when you join the SciFoundry Leadership Program

Frequently asked questions

When will I get access to the course?

You will be added to our members site within 1 business day of signing up and can get started right away.

Can I pay for this with institutional funds?

Yes! We will work with your University on purchase order/check payments and we accept purchasing cards / institutional cards. By place a refundable $100 deposit, you lock in the special tuition discounts and can start participation while your payment is being processed.

To proceed, click on the "Get Started" button above, fill out your name and email address, and then click on the "institutional Purchase" tab in Step 2 of the checkout process. 

Are there any additional costs?

All the mentoring, coaching and training is included in the tuition. 

We do have extra add-ons available to SLP members for additional grant writing support, intensive transformational retreats, and 1:1 coaching packages. Contact our support team for more information at [email protected]

Can I participate from anywhere in the world?

Yes! All of our content and our membership site is available 24/7 anywhere in the world. Our live calls are scheduled during the typical US Business day and week, but are open to international members. Call recordings are available in the members site.

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Step 2 of 2: Payment Information

Enter your tuition payment details to get started

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