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Reason is the Party that Lost...

Reason is the Party that Lost...

… and why that shouldn’t be a surprise to any of us. I am writing this before checking in on the results of the 2024 US presidential election, and one…

Compelling, Easy to Understand, Easy to Distribute

Compelling, Easy to Understand, Easy to Distribute

The aftermath of this election cycle* brings with it the same questions that always happen at the end of an election cycle. “Was the U.S. not ready for a president…

Find the Hat That Fits… And Wear It: A New Approach to Leadership in the Lab (Part 1)

Find the Hat That Fits… And Wear It: A New Approach to Leadership in the Lab (Part 1)

What’s your reaction when you hear mention of a “Leadership Seminar?” Do your eyes glaze over as you wonder what you could possibly glean there that’s a better use of…

New NIH Review Framework: A Step Forward or a Misstep?

New NIH Review Framework: A Step Forward or a Misstep?

If you’re part of the academic research community, you may be aware of the NIH’s latest shake-up in its review framework for grant applications. In a nutshell, the new framework…

How to Lead a Research Lab: What whitewater rivers taught me about one key shift into leadership

How to Lead a Research Lab: What whitewater rivers taught me about one key shift into leadership

Are you struggling with unproductive or unmotivated employees or mentees in your lab that cause more headaches than positive momentum? If so, how’s that leadership thing going….? Dr. Morgan Giddings…

Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle to Success in Research Careers

Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle to Success in Research Careers

As a researcher, you may have encountered many obstacles on your journey to success. But what if I told you there was a root cause to many of the challenges…

Grant Strategies that Work... 

Based on a real success story, learn:

How to turn long-shot proposals into real opportunities by focusing on a clear Big Idea.
What reviewers really want to see and how to avoid getting stuck in endless revisions.
How to approach proposals effectively, even without a lot of preliminary data.

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