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NIH Grant Writing Tips: The new format - significance, innovation, approach

NIH Grant Writing Tips: The new format - significance, innovation, approach

Recently the NIH completely redefined the format requirements for research grants. There were many changes, but one that seems to create a big mess of confusion is the redefinition of…

Science for the sake of it, or science for dollars (euros)?

Science for the sake of it, or science for dollars (euros)?

After a recent web seminar I hosted to help people write grants that are more likely to get funded, I got a note from a writer overseas that raised an…

Crafting your NIH biosketch

Crafting your NIH biosketch "personal narrative"

On a recent webinar about State of Grants in 2012, I mentioned that the personal statement part of the NIH biosketch is a great opportunity to additionally “market” your project.…

How to become

How to become "stupider"

Say you’re in a science career (or thinking about one). Say that you actually want to be as successful as possible at that endeavor. Given those two prerequisites, then we…

Boring Talk Titles

Boring Talk Titles

should science really be so boring all the time? Most talk titles I see convey that sense. But given that we need to get more people interested in science, not…

Specific aims example

Specific aims example

Your goal is to show strength, confidence, and logical thinking about your research, with each aim well thought out and accomplishing a critical mission within the context of your proposal.

Grant Strategies that Work... 

Based on a real success story, learn:

How to turn long-shot proposals into real opportunities by focusing on a clear Big Idea.
What reviewers really want to see and how to avoid getting stuck in endless revisions.
How to approach proposals effectively, even without a lot of preliminary data.

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